Clwyd Area
Clwyd - pronounced "cloo-id" - is the Scout area which covers the unitary authorities of Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham in north east Wales. At the last census we had 2,293 members. Our location is shown by the purple area on the map below.
The Scout Network, for members aged 18-25 years, is an area responsibilty. More information about this can be found on the Clwyd Network page.
The person who is responsible for supporting scouting in Clwyd Area is the area commissioner, Gordon Richardson. The area commissioner is the 'line manager' of the district commissioners and reports to the chief scout.
Gordon is supported by a team of people who, together with the district commissioners, make up the area team.
Area Exec
Just like all groups and districts, the area has to have an executive committee. This is a business committee whose function is to support scouting in Clwyd Area.
Its meetings, held 4 times a year at Gladstone, are attended by:
the area commissioner and the field commissioner
an elected representative from each District
the chairman of the Gladstone Centre committee
the area's representative to the committee of the Welsh Scout Council
an under-25 representative
and the area scout network commissioner
Other members can be nominated by the area commissioner and also can be co-opted, as the committee feels necessary.
Find out what the area exec have been discussing recently
Scout groups are organised into districts, which are led by a district commissioner who supports scouting in the district and who is the 'line manager' of the group scout leaders.
We have approximately sixty Scout groups in four districts. The districts are Flintshire, Llangollen, Vale of Clwyd and Wrexham. The map below shows the districts in Clwyd.
Scouts Wales
The 12 areas of Wales are supported by the Scouts Wales.
Visit the Scouts Wales website
Who's who?
Gordon Richardson Area Commissioner |
Pat Royle Area Training Manager |
David Morris (Moz) Assistant Area Commissioner (Communications) |
Gerry Kellett Assistant Area Commissioner (International) |
Mike Dawson Manager, activity permit scheme |
Pat Royle District Commissioner, Flintshire |
Roger Cragg District Commissioner, Llangollen |
Andy Collin District Commissioner, Vale of Clwyd |
Sue Lister District Commissioner, Wrexham |
Clive Bracewell Field Commissioner |