
Scouts – 10½ to 14 years

Jump in and get muddy. Give back and get set. Scouts ignore the butterflies and go for it, and soon so will you.

Join Scouts

Being a Scout

When you join Scouts, you’ll be introduced to lots of new activities, people and things.

Find out about being a Scout


Scouts start small but think big, always challenging themselves to do more and be more. It starts with an award. Who knows where it might lead?

Learn about Awards

Activity and Staged Badges

Master something you love, or try something shiny and new. If it spurs you on or stirs your interest, we’ve probably got a badge for it.

Explore badges

Moving up to Explorers

Eventually, it’ll be time embrace your next big adventure.

Learn about Explorers

Uniform and badge placement

You don’t need a uniform to join Scouts. But once you’ve settled in, you’ll start speedily earning badges, and you’ll need to know where to put them.

What to wear at Scouts

Scout leaders

All of our leaders are trained volunteers working to make Scouts the best it can be, but we don’t just need swashbuckling adventurers to lead our expeditions. We also need tidy-uppers and tea-makers and great listeners from all walks of life – for as much or as little time as they can spare.

Learn about Volunteering
How to run a Scout Troop