Hello everyone!

I would like you to attend a video briefing session on the new Area plan held via Zoom on the 30th of November @ 19:30 for around 60 minutes. You may have already heard about the progress of this plan in the last few Area updates and in the Area Report for 2022 that was issued last month, but I would like to take the time to expand on it a little more.

This session will:

1. Provide me with the chance to present the plan to anyone attending the brief
2. Provide attendees with a chance to ask questions and speak with the Area Leadership Team directly about the plan
3. Clarify a few key resources to help ensure that the plan is a success

This session will be recorded and made available for all. If you can’t attend, I will ensure you get the recording post-session to review at your leisure.

EVERYONE can attend this session if they like; however, it would be particularly helpful for GSLs, District Leadership Teams, anyone with a training role and anyone who is a Training adviser.

In addition to the plan, the intention is to allow the new Area Transformation Lead to talk a little bit about what is on the horizon and the upcoming changes.


To access the meeting use the following link and joining information:

Date/Time: Wednesday 30th November @ 19:30
Link: https://zoom.us/j/95899090876
Meeting ID: 958 9909 0876
Passcode: 9693130706


Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you on the call!

Kevin Field
Area Commissioner – Clwyd