Tea and biscuits anyone?

You have spoken and the Area Leadership Team has listened.

You told us that travelling to Abergele for the Area Drop in’s wasn’t suitable for everyone and I couldn’t agree more.

Therefore, as promised, this year we are doing it differently. There will be FOUR Area drop-in sessions, one every three months, and they will rotate around each District. Hopefully, this helps in bringing the party to you on your doorstep (or as close as we can) and cuts down on travel.

Anyone can attend any of the drop-in sessions but I would really appreciate it if you could support locally by attending your local one.

The dates and the locations of the drop-in sessions can be found on the Clwyd Scouts Eventbrite page (use the button below) but for summary are:

March 4th – Abergele
May 6th – Wrexham
August 5th – Llangollen
November 4th – Flintshire

So what are they for?

Pop along and chat about anything Scouting and we will do our best to support you

• Networking opportunity

• Discuss funding opportunities

• We can provide well-being sessions

• Support with risk assessments and programme planning

• Training concerns

• Training validations

Alternatively, anything else you want to talk about

The really important bit

I promise that there will be tea, coffee, biscuits and if I can squeeze the Area Treasurer hard enough, maybe even some cake. I can’t promise however that there will be nice China cups or posh biscuits like in the image above, but I will do my best to grab some Hobnobs.

I look forward to seeing you at one of the sessions!

Area Lead Volunteer