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A new plan to help us grow and develop as an Area

The Area Leadership Team has spent a lot of time creating an Area plan to help drive the progress of the Area support of the Districts and Groups of Clwyd Area. In the below documents, you can get an overview of the plan in as much detail as suits you.

There is nothing to hide here, we are being as transparent as possible, and we hope you can all see the potential value of developing the Area structure into something that helps drive Scouting in Clwyd.

Below you will find the full Area Strategy Plan and also the video recording of the strategy plan launch in November 2022.

Our Area mission – Get to Good (#get2good)

This means that we have a clear goal to improve the Area to a minimum good status across all of our benchmarking criteria.
More information on the benchmarking criteria and what we are doing to get there can be found later in this plan.

By moving towards a good status across all criteria, we will provide a consistent and robust level of Area support to Districts and Groups, inevitably improving the Scouting experience for all. 

The plan on one page

To make things as accessible as possible, we have designed a one-page plan which brings together the elements of the complete plan.

The new steering wheel

Each of the assessment criteria or ‘spokes’ of the wheel is graded from low to high as either very poor, poor, fair, good or very good. When you map this out on a segmented wheel, it gives us a visual known as the ‘steering wheel’. The more segments we have completed, the better we are doing.
As you can see, plenty of work is to be done. These weaknesses are good, as there is much room for growth, and we should see it as a challenge to embrace, not an obstacle to run away from.

Our current situation

Our goal for 2025

Downloads and additional content

Below you will find the strategy plan and the video recording of the plan launch in November 2022 for your reference.

Strategy Launch Session Recording (30th November 2022) please use the passcode of Z6v!E6Qg to access this recording