Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people - Discover what this means

Your role in Scouts from November

From November, most current District and Area roles – such as Assistant District Commissioner and District Cub Scout Leader – will disappear.

Instead those volunteers will move to being part of one or more Teams.

There will also be opportunity for those who currently volunteer in Groups to join these Teams.

While a conversation with your Line Manager is the most important step in this change, to help us plan please let us know via the survey below which Team you’d be interested in joining.

Note: we don’t currently know whether these Teams will be at District level or at Clwyd Area level, or even shared between Districts. It depends how many people are on the Teams, we’ll work out the split later. Team membership will be subject to Lead Volunteer approval.

Team Descriptions

14-24 Team

  • Make sure the views and ideas of young people shape decisions in the 14–24 Team and its Sections. 
  • Make sure Section Teams help young people feel welcome and included. They make changes (when needed) so activities are accessible for everyone. 
  • Make sure the demographics of young people and adults reflect their local area. 
  • Meet the needs of 14–24 year olds through the Explorer or Network programme, and creating opportunities to volunteer as a Young Leader.
  • Work with volunteers to share skills between Section Teams.
  • Make sure the Sections run smoothly.         
  • Work with Group and Section Teams to check there are Young Leaders in all Squirrel, Beaver, Cub, and Scout Section Teams. 
  • Make sure all safety and safeguarding incidents are reported in the right way. 
  • Look after first aid kits and accident forms for the Sections and their meeting places. 
  • Look after membership system records for volunteers and young people. 
  • Look after enquiries for joining and moving between Sections. 

Programme Team

  • Help Sections across the District work together.
  • Help volunteers with any programme changes, such as new badges and activities, to help young people achieve Top Awards.
  • Encourage international trips and activities. 
  • Support volunteers to include nights away in their Section’s programme. 
  • Help volunteers gain their Nights Away Permits
  • Organise events for the District when Section Teams decide they’re needed.
  • Keep an eye out for any learning that’ll help Section Teams deliver a fantastic programme. The Volunteering Development Team can then give volunteers opportunities to develop and learn new skills.
  • Encourage Section Teams to share good practice across the District by creating opportunities to network.
  • Make sure there are skilled people to support Sections’ programmes (in areas that volunteers may not be experts in themselves).   
  • Make sure Sections can access adventurous activities, either through permit holders or external providers.
  • Approve activities and permits (when delegated by the Lead Volunteer) such as Visits Abroad, Adventurous Activity Permits and Nights Away Permits

Support Team

  • Create and look after relationships with other organisations that can help Scouts grow locally. 
  • Create a positive image of Scouts in the local community. For example, through local media. 
  • Plan and run fundraising events when they’re needed.
  • Work with Groups and other District teams to open, close, or merge Sections (depending on local demand).
  • Carry out finance administration. This could include paying expenses/invoices, and tracking income/expenditure against the budget. 
  • Set up and look after email, web, social media, and web meeting systems for the District (and, if appropriate, for Groups and Units). 
  • If there are staff, make sure they’re properly managed and well recognised. 
  • Look after joining enquiries across the District.
  • Check bookings and maintenance for any District-owned property and equipment (including 14-24 Sections).
  • Oversee meeting places for 14-24 Sections (whether they’re rented, leased, or owned).

Volunteering Development Team

  • Use Scouts branded resources to attract new volunteers. 
  • Reply quickly and positively to possible new volunteers. 
  • Make sure volunteers are welcomed easily and smoothly. 
  • Hold inductions with Group Lead Volunteers and other Group and District Leadership Team Members.
  • Help and encourage Team Leaders (including Group Lead Volunteers) to have regular reviews with volunteers in their teams. 
  • Make sure all District teams (including Group Lead Volunteers) follow our approach to safe volunteer recruitment, appointment, reviews, and processes for leaving Scouts.
  • Help volunteers and Young Leaders find and engage in opportunities for learning and development. 
  • Coordinate Scouts learning that needs to be delivered by an accredited trainer – including coordinating and supporting the trainers. 
  • Use the learning delivery materials developed by Scouts (e.g. training sessions, workshops, activities, etc.), and make changes (when necessary) so activities are accessible for everyone. 
  • Help volunteers connect across the District and beyond to learn, share best practices and overcome shared challenges. 
  • Set up learning opportunities with external organisations (if relevant and helpful). 
  • Make sure volunteers can be recognised for prior learning and experience, and have it credited in their records. 
  • Learn from people in other Volunteering Development Teams.
  • Recognise and appreciate volunteers for their brilliant work, formally and informally.