Hello everyone,

I thought I would reach out to all of the volunteers in the area to give you all an update. I officially took on the role of Area Commissioner on the 1st of August. The last week has seen me busy getting to know the District Commissioners and attending meetings with Scout Cymru to better understand the role and its challenges/opportunities. I am proud and honoured to be asked to take on this role and will do everything I can to make a success of it.

The first three months of this role will see the Area team focussing on answering a few key questions. I have no doubt the first two have been asked many times by many of you!

  • Why does the Area team exist, and what is its purpose
  • How will the Area team support scouting at a Group/Section level
  • Who is responsible for what in the Area/Districts
  • How will we achieve positive change

I am not one to beat around the bush, so to give you all a rough idea of what is happening at the Area level over the next three months:

  • The Area team (DCs and Area level position holders) will meet in late August/early September to organise an Area plan to support scouting on the coalface. I am very conscious that Area is seen as an unnecessary level of bureaucracy by many, so the Area team will gain answers to the above questions as a priority, and the answers will form the basis of the plan. My main focus is ensuring that any plan we implement means something and has a positive impact at ground level – Deadline is Wednesday 31st September.
  • An Area communications plan will be drafted and agreed explaining very clearly and simply how the Area and Districts will communicate. Off the back of this, the Area calendar will be created, and methods of communication will be set up. Potential options include social media, mailshot, newsletters, website blog updates etc. I will do my best to ensure that information is available and accessible in as many forms as possible at the right tempo. An Area organisation chart (including vacancies) will also be created and made available to all to aid with identifying who you need to talk to for support/advice – Deadline is Friday 16th September.
  • The area team will finalise the Area roadmap/plan and communicate it to all. This will likely be available in various levels of detail depending on how deep you want to dive – Deadline is Friday 16th September.
  • The Area website (www.clwydscouts.org.uk) will be overhauled (much progress has already been made) and will be streamlined to ensure the calendar, communications, and roadmap are available and easy to access at any time – Deadline is Friday 30th September.
  • I will attend the District AGM’s to try and introduce myself to as many people as possible and listen to your feedback/concerns. Likely, I will also present the Area plan in person at these meetings if the DCs are happy for me to do so – Deadline TBC and depending on the District AGM.
  • I will attend as many groups as possible to speak with the young people and volunteers. Despite taking on the Area Commissioner role, I still very much intend and feel passionately about helping to deliver the scouting experience at a group/section level and like you all, ultimately, its what I volunteer for – Deadline Ongoing

Revisions to any plan are inevitable, and I am sure things will change once I have had the opportunity to get your input. More updates will be provided as and when changes happen, and I look forward to working with you all.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, advice or suggestions for me (I am all ears), please feel free to reach out to me via email at acclwyd@scoutscymru.org.uk, and I will get back to you ASAP.

Have a great summer holiday all.



Kevin Field 

Area Commissioner, Clwyd, North Wales Commisynydd Ardal, Clwyd, Gogledd Cymru