It’s been a really useful start to the year as Clwyd Scouts take stock of the current progress against our #Get2Good strategy that was launched in November 2022.

We set ourselves some serious stretch goals at the start of the plan anchored around our three main priorities:

1. Area Development – Creating a clear plan, the direction of travel, filling area roles, becoming a center of excellence, and getting a regular calendar in place for everyone to see.

2. Youth Shaped – Appoint a youth lead for the Area, make sure we have youth-shaped planning at the heart of our processes, and keep pushing to support Districts with youth-shaped planning. No token young people just for photo opportunities.

3. Future Focused – Appointing a transformation team, leading on changes for the transformation and setting the pace, supporting volunteers through the change better, supporting and embedding succession planning, and being a testbed for new change projects.

Some things have gone better than others and we need to be strict with our priorities. To focus on many things means focussing on nothing and like everyone else in Clwyd, we only have so much brain power and spare time!

Take a look at our updated steering wheel below! We decided as a group that if three segments were coloured, that meant we were at ‘good’.

We have made huge progress on many of the objectives we set and we have assessed ourselves again against our steering wheel. The most notable improvements are in Area Direction, Area Structure, and Internal and External Comms.

The focus for 2024 is Youth Shaped. We have made massive progress this year alone with that appointing 4 (YES 4) Youth Leads for District and Area with another 2-3 to come in the following months. We are on the cusp of organising the Youth Forums and Youth Shaped events for the Area/Districts this year but more on that from our leads shortly.

We will be sending a feedback link to all members this month to gather your thoughts and see how we can do better to support you.

There will also be an online pulse check this month hosted by the Lead Volunteer and with information from our Youth Leads and Transformation Team, so watch out for that!

Thanks for being part of the awesome community that is Clwyd Scouts and keep doing what you do best, providing an excellent #SkillsForLife program to all of the young people.