100 Beaver Scouts from across Flintshire recently took part in a Beaver fun day where they got the chance to take part in lots of activities and learn new skills.
Almost 40 adult volunteers were also there to ensure the day ran smoothly and the Beavers had a fantastic time.
Sue Lloyd, Assistant District Commissioner for Flintshire Beavers said “Events like this are always fantastic, it’s great to see children from all different parts of Flintshire joining together to take part in activities. We’ve put on a wide variety of activities today and the Beavers will hopefully gain new skills by attending. We have put a lot of focus into First Aid this year as it’s such an important skill to learn. Scouts of all ages, from the youngest at 6 right up to 18 will learn first aid, as you never know when you may need to use it, whether it’s to stop someone from bleeding, or even to save someone’s life through CPR it’s a very important skill that Scouts will take with them for the rest of their lives.”
The activities on offer ranged from cooking on a campfire to trying out CPR on first aid dummies. The event was also the first District activity that Flint Beavers, the newest Beaver Scout group in Flintshire have attended since forming.
6 year old Flint Beaver Oliver Jones said “ Toasting marshmallows on the campfire was the best bit today because I liked eating them. Getting all my badges is my favourite thing about being a beaver.”
6 year old Iwan Weaver, also a member of the new Flint Beaver Group said “Putting bandages on was really fun because you got to put them on other people and then they put them on you.”
Flintshire Scouts currently have 840 Youth members and 200 adult volunteers across the district, but there are still young people on waiting lists because of a lack of adult helpers, if you feel you could give up any amount of time to help, please talk to your local scout group.