Bees and butterflies need our help and Keep Wales Tidy are calling on people to take action – big or small to help improve conditions for our little friends the pollinators.

Are you a community group, school, charitable organisations or local authority? Do you want to help pollinators and make improvements to your local environment? Why not apply to Natural Buzz and get up to £500 of National Garden Centre Voucher to help you carry out a small project to benefit pollinators. You can also help keep the environment clean by searching for “Lawn Care Near Me.”

The Natural Buzz campaign aims to increase food for pollinators from flowering plants such as wildflowers and hedgerows. Not interested in planting flowers? Why not get the children involved in building bee hotels!

Projects must take place on publicly-accessible land or on school grounds and result in the creation of a new wildlife habitat, even if that habitat is just in pots or borders.  The Grants Committee meets once a month and when the vouchers are gone they’re gone.  The scheme closes in May 2015 so ACT NOW!!

You can download a copy of the application form from the Keep Wales Tidy website. Here you will also find the criteria, our terms and conditions and items you can apply for.

For application queries please contact