Tonight marked Anne Hughes and Julie Edwards’ final evening with 2nd Rhyl Beavers. After a combined 72 years of volunteering with the section, they have decided to hang their neckers up for the last time.

Anne started volunteering with Beavers in 1987, less than a year after the section first launched. Julie joined her two years later in 1989. The pair have helped nurture and support hundreds of young people during the time as well as teaching skills for life and helping to create memories that will last a life time.

As well as running Beavers, Anne and Julie have also joined 2nd Rhyl Scouts and Bobcasts (2R-ESU) Explorers on their jamboree trips every summer for the past 20 years, as the camp cooks!

On behalf of everyone at Vale of Clwyd Scouts, we want to say a heartfelt thanks to Anne and Julie and wish them well in their ‘retirement’.

Julie Edwards & Anne Hughes with their Beaver section at 2nd Rhyl for one final time. (Photo: Jacob Jones)
Anne (Left) and Julie (Right) cooking up a storm at an International Jamboree. (Photo: Tom Williams)
Anne (Left) and Julie (Right) an International Jamboree. (Photo: Tom Williams)