Clwyd Go Live Support
We’re here to help guide you through the changes.
Before contacting us for help though, first try…
1.Scouts website
Our Volunteer Experience webpages are the first place to go to understand what the changes are, how they affect you, and what you need to do to adopt change.
2. Digital Tool Guides
If you have a question on how to perform a particular process on the new digital system, you can access our Digital Tool Guides.
3. Local support
If you still need help after trying the above, you can…
… or request us to phone you back by filling in the form below:
We’re transforming volunteering at Scouts to make it easier, more enjoyable and rewarding.
Click below for what this means on one page of A4!
We’re no longer having Scout Leaders, District Commissioners or Scout Active Support Members. So…
Digital tools preview
Help for Trustees
Why are we doing this?
A lot of people don’t like change, and don’t understand the word ‘transformation’ – so perhaps it’s best thinking of what we’re doing as fixing problems rather than just changing for change’s sake.
We spoke to thousands of people both inside and outside the movement, and here’s some of the things they told us were wrong:
- A Wood Badge is required within 3 years when many only stay for 2
- Lots of work done by a few people while others don’t have enough to do
- 53% District Commissioner and 27% Group Scout Leader roles vacant
- Over 400 different roles
- New volunteers being interviewed by strangers
- Terrible digital tools
- Exec Committees drinking tea, eating biscuits and nodding
They are broke, and we are fixing them!
When’s it happening in Clwyd?
Now – we are now starting to work in Teams and embrace our Volunteering Culture. We have replaced Appointments Panels with Welcome Conversations.
October 7th – Compass Freezes. Interim procedures cover us during this stage.
November 21st – Go Live of new system. Log in details will be emailed to you in the days following. Go Live support available locally.
Please note this is for us as an Early Adopter Area – 90% of the UK will be adopting the changes later
1st Neverchange
Find out what happened when Jacob met Akela, Skip and Silver Beaver and listened to their concerns…
Transformation Team
Clwyd has a Team of 8 people who will be supporting everyone through the changes…